Neutrinos are neutral quasi-particles transmitted by active stars. Neutrinos, in addition to being extremely small, have no electrical charge. This makes them extremely difficult to detect, even though they are the most abundant subatomic particles in the universe. At the surface of the Earth, the flux is about 65 billion (6.5×1010) solar neutrinos per second per square centimeter. A neutrino is a fermion, which means that it obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics. It is also a lepton, which means that it does not interact via the strong force but via weak force. Its size is r2 = n × 10−33 cm2 (n × 1 nanobarn), where n = 3.2 for an electron neutrino, n = 1.7 for a muon neutrino, and n = 1.0 for a tau neutrino. Neutrinos are fundamental particles. Because neutrinos are not electrically charged, they do not experience the electromagnetic force and thus do not cause the ionization of matter. Only one in 10 billion of these particles, traveling through matter for a distance equal to Earth’s diameter, reacts with a proton or a neutron (Brittanica). Most neutrinos will pass through Earth without interacting at all. Neutrinos possess a large amount of energy, and in very rare cases when they react with another particle in nature, that energy can be observed in 3D.
Ignitons are neutral quasi-particles transmitted by active stars. Like neutrinos, ignitons, in addition to being extremely small, also have no electrical charge– which makes them difficult to detect. A single igniton size, similar to muon neutrino, is r2 = 1.5 × 10−33 cm2 (n × 1 nanobarn). Igniton velocity is also very similar to neutrinos. Igniton is a fermion, which means that it obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics and a lepton, which means that it does not interact via the strong force but via the weak force. The flux of solar ignitons at the Earth’s surface is on the order of 109 ignitons per square centimeter per second. Ignitons possess a large amount of energy that quantum physics refers to as energy quanta. We can associate ignitons with a life force, known from the time of Khem (Ancient Egypt) and referred to as World Spirit– as ignitons are the basis of the life force (the life of original prokaryote bacteria on Earth was solely dependent on their ability to attract and capture ignitons).
Quarks Like most subatomic particles, quarks have not yet been directly observed, but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.
According to peer-reviewed science quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons. Quarks have an electrical charge.
Ignitons can be used in biomedical applications such as longevity, improvement of cognitive functions (including memory), improvement of body energy, cosmetics, new materials, and agriculture. Ignitons show promising effects on limiting the telomere shortening process, recovering telomere length, and enhancing cognitive function of the human brain. The use of Ignitons enhances already-developed compounds, i.e., a 100-milligram dose can be reduced to 20-40 milligrams.
Definition of the A-9 molecule:
New molecule, A-9, is a containment structure of matter, otherwise called Ignitons, a new class of quasi-particles whose existence is defined as the by-product of nuclear reactions occurring in celestial bodies. A-9 is an extremely active but stable compound whose versatility allows excellent applications in many fields of science. The specific structure of A-9 also allows accurate application in the nanotechnology field.